Terms and Conditions

1. We undertake to carry or convoy your goods to their destination as expeditiously as possible. For your convenience, we detail herewith our terms and conditions of carriage should you utilize our service, such terms and conditions will be understood to form the basis of an agreement between us.

2. The goods may be carried by any route at the sole discretion of the carrier, in the event of the carrier being obliged from the route selected by him, or to carry goods over another route, as the result of adverse weather conditions, impassable dangerous road or bridges, the carrier shall be entitled to charge an additional remuneration in proportion to the resulting extra mileage. The risk involved in storage and transportation of goods and all work carried out in connection therewith remains at all times vested in the owner of the goods.

3. Neither the carrier nor any of this agents or servants shall be liable for any loss, destruction, or damage, including any damages that may be suffered as a result in the delay of delivery, or any consequential damage, however caused, arising out of his agreement of carriage, even if such loss or damages are attributable to the negligence of the carrier or his agents or servants.

4. Without any obligation to do so, and without giving any undertakings of whatsoever nature, the carriage contractor shall endeavor to recover for the owner any loss or damage sustained by the owner. Any excess payable in terms of the carriage contractor's contract of insurance or any amount payable due to any limit of indemnity on the policy, will be payable by the client. Unless notified to the contrary by our clients in writing and by registered mail, the premiums to cover the above risks will be added automatically to every consignment debit.

5. The client hereby indemnities the carrier against all loss, damage or injury to any person or property, however caused, arising out of the carriage of any dangerous goods, or goods transported which may in anyway vitiate the carriage contractor's insurance policy, or which may lead to the repudiation of a claim by the insurance company.

6. Consignment marked by the sender for consignee account will be accepted. However, should the carriage contractor's charges not be recovered within thirty (30) days from date of consignment, or should the consignee default in payment for any reason, the sender hereby holds himself personally liable for payment. All monies due to the carriage contractor in respect of service rendered shall be paid within thirty (30) days from date of consignment.

7. Should any account payable by the sender or consignee not be paid by due date, and should it be necessary to institute legal action for the recovery of any amount, the client (sender or consignee) shall be liable for legal expenses incurred in the recovery of any owing including attorney client charges. The client hereby consents to the Magistrate's court for any arising out of this agreement.

8. Any outstanding amounts not paid by the due date, shall bear interest at the rate of 2, 5% per month.

9. Please note that this quotation is an estimate and is calculated on physical- or volumetric weights, dimensions, destination city, town, village or consignee provided by the person requesting the above mentioned quote.

10. All quotes can or will be subjected to price change on the basis of Outline Couriers staff physical weighing and doing physical dimensions on the above mentioned consignment/parcel.

11. Outline Couriers cannot be held accountable for any errors or insufficient information provided by the person or client requesting the above-mentioned quotation.

12. All quotes are valid for 30 days only should there be no fuel increases during this time.


Our Mission

We meet our customers' demands for a personal & profesional service by offering innovative supply chain solutions.

Our Vision

We proactively and constantly look for new possibilities. Therefore, an important part of our vision is to attract & retain.

Core Values

Procedures, values and attitudes are crucial to our reputation - not to mention the success we enjoy.